
shallow basin Learn more about shallow basin

  • Flood and drought bonsai: represent the water surface, dry land and trees of nature in a shallow basin

    Flood and drought bonsai: represent the water surface, dry land and trees of nature in a shallow basin

    Flood and drought bonsai: show the natural water surface, dry land, trees and drought in the shallow basin.

  • Is sweet-scented osmanthus a deep pot or a shallow pot?

    Is sweet-scented osmanthus a deep pot or a shallow pot?

    Is sweet-scented osmanthus a deep pot or a shallow pot?

  • The latest sweet-scented osmanthus deep pot or shallow pot is better.

    The latest sweet-scented osmanthus deep pot or shallow pot is better.

    Many potted friends like potted cultivation of sweet-scented osmanthus, because sweet-scented osmanthus is not only one of the top ten traditional flowers in China, but also its flowers are more fragrant. As a potted plant, it has high ornamental value. But if we plant sweet-scented osmanthus in pots, we must first provide it with hardware.

    2020-11-10 The latest sweet-scented osmanthus deep basin good or shallow basin many basin friends like
  • Three methods of making bonsai: exposed root bonsai, bushy bonsai and miniature bonsai

    Three methods of making bonsai: exposed root bonsai, bushy bonsai and miniature bonsai

    Rugen bonsai ① shallow planting pick root. The semi-finished stumps with well-developed main roots and easy to shape were selected for cultivation in shallow pots. The lateral root of the root base is chic exposed to the basin soil. If the lateral root at the base of the tree root should not be exposed directly, the root can be picked out of the basin by the method of picking the root, and the exposed root can be cultivated reasonably combined with the form of tree stump. ② Tigan Rugen

  • The flowerpot is too deep is really fatal, longevity gentleman orchid raises 1 pot dead 1 pot, change quickly!

    The flowerpot is too deep is really fatal, longevity gentleman orchid raises 1 pot dead 1 pot, change quickly!

    The problem of growing flowers has been ignored by everyone, that is, the depth of the flowerpot, for example, let a 2-meter-tall man sleep on a 1.5-meter bed, his legs can't stand it all night! The same is true of growing flowers. If the depth of the flowerpot is not suitable, the root can not be raised well. Today, Huahua will tell you what kind of pot you should use!

  • Is it better to plant deep or shallow when you change the pot in the autumn?

    Is it better to plant deep or shallow when you change the pot in the autumn?

    With the advent of autumn, many flower friends are prepared to change pots for magnolia when the temperature is right, so as to facilitate better growth and flowering. The basin change of gentleman orchid is mostly carried out in spring and autumn, and it is easy to change basin in autumn when the temperature is between 25 degrees left.

  • It is better to plant camellias in deep pot or shallow pot or deep pot.

    It is better to plant camellias in deep pot or shallow pot or deep pot.

    Many potted friends like potted plants to grow camellias, but for many novice potted friends, they have made difficulties in using pots. It is mainly unclear whether it is suitable to grow camellias in deep or shallow pots, and whether it is better to plant camellias deeply or shallowly. In fact, in the end, it is better to use deep pots or shallow pots.

  • How about flower bonsai?

    How about flower bonsai?

    How about flower bonsai?

  • Orchids can also be planted in shallow pots

    Orchids can also be planted in shallow pots

    Orchids can also be planted in shallow pots

  • How deep and shallow orchids are planted in the south, deep in the north, deep in winter, shallow in summer.

    How deep and shallow orchids are planted in the south, deep in the north, deep in winter, shallow in summer.

    Many orchids emphasize that orchids will rot if they grow deep, and it is best for the Reed head to leak out or half of it. Bathing through a year of shallow planting, I feel that this sentence has a certain misunderstanding. First of all, introduce weak seedlings and diseased seedlings, the depth of the rot will still rot. Guarantee the planting material.

  • Pots and precautions for miniature bonsai

    Pots and precautions for miniature bonsai

    When shaping, transplant trees from clay pots to purple sand pots or glazed pots. The shape, size, and color of the pots must match the tree. Under normal circumstances, high cylindrical pots, suitable for cliff type; oval or shallow rectangular pots, suitable for planting straight stem or inclined stem; round pots can be configured with low coiled plants; polygonal shallow pots, suitable for planting high stem

  • Why do orchids use deep pots? in fact, shallow pots can also be used

    Why do orchids use deep pots? in fact, shallow pots can also be used

    Whenever I see orchid photos of flower friends, I find that most of them are deep pots. Some flower friends wonder why orchids use deep pots. In fact, the advantage of deep pots is mainly beautiful, which can show the beautiful leaf posture of orchids, set off the elegance and atmosphere of flowers, and will not bind Langen. ...

  • Shallow planting water wax bonsai

    Shallow planting water wax bonsai

    Water wax belongs to the water wax family, evergreen all the year round, resistant to pruning, easy to shape, is an excellent material for making bonsai. This water wax tree stump oblique trunk tree stump height of about 60 cm, from the basic part of the two roots trend is very good, the overall transition is also good, after analysis and thinking, it is concluded that this is a very good bonsai creation material, natural and generous, very lasting. In order to ensure the survival of the shallow planting, I successfully transplanted the pile into the shallow basin by using the three-step method. The specific method is as follows: in the first step of ①, I prepared a medium earthen pot to plant water wax stakes, and at the same time used loose ones.

  • Do rich trees use deep pots or shallow pots?

    Do rich trees use deep pots or shallow pots?

    Because the rich tree belongs to the tree, its root system is growing downward, so it is necessary to choose a deep basin, which can give its roots an ample space to grow. If the pot chosen is too shallow, it will hinder the growth of its roots and affect the absorption of water and nutrients by the plant.

  • Do rich trees use deep pots or shallow pots?

    Do rich trees use deep pots or shallow pots?

    Because the rich tree belongs to the tree, its root system is growing downward, so it is necessary to choose a deep basin, which can give its roots an ample space to grow. If the pot chosen is too shallow, it will hinder the growth of its roots and affect the absorption of water and nutrients by the plant.

  • What preparations should be made before sowing flower seeds and preservation methods of edible fungi

    What preparations should be made before sowing flower seeds and preservation methods of edible fungi

    What preparations should be made before sowing flower seeds

  • A complete Collection of Bonsai cultivation techniques

    A complete Collection of Bonsai cultivation techniques

    Bonsai is based on plants and rocks as the basic materials, the performance of natural landscape in the basin of works of art, has a very long history, and bonsai schools are also very many, the cultivation of bonsai should be selected according to the actual situation. Next, let's take a look at the complete collection of bonsai cultivation techniques.

    2020-11-09 Bonsai cultivation techniques Daquan so plants and rocks
  • Discussion on deep planting and shallow species of Cymbidium

    Discussion on deep planting and shallow species of Cymbidium

    Discussion on deep planting and shallow species of Cymbidium

  • Preparation of flower seeds before sowing

    Preparation of flower seeds before sowing

    Family flowers should be sown in pots. It is best to use a flowerpot called seedling shallow as a container for pot seeding. It is a clay pot specially fired for flower seeding in pot kiln. The upper opening diameter is 30~32 cm, the pot height is only 8~10 cm, and the inner diameter of the bottom of the pot is similar to that of the upper opening.

  • Do banyan bonsai use deep or shallow pots?

    Do banyan bonsai use deep or shallow pots?

    Bonsai trees often have a strange and elegant shape, strong branches, and generally remain green all the year round, so they have high ornamental value, and banyan bonsai is one of the representative tree species. As we all know, the banyan bonsai is not only suitable for viewing leaves, but also very suitable for viewing roots.
